Google how do you make youtube videos
Google how do you make youtube videos

google how do you make youtube videos

This also helps to break up text walls and long, drawn-out speeches (sorry!).

google how do you make youtube videos

By including videos in your slide, you make it easier for your audience to understand what you’re saying versus giving them a thick manual to follow. With explainer videos, you can get right to the point quickly and simply. You hop on over to YouTube for a quick 15-minute step-by-step tutorial video. When faced with having to assemble new furniture from Ikea, do you spend hours trying to decipher their instructions? No. We’ve used this analogy before, but it’s so relevant. The more you mix up your presentation with text, photos, videos, and a Q&A session, the better chance you’ll have of keeping your audience engaged. And as AdAge points out, if you are not fully engaging your audience after 30 seconds, you'll likely lose 33% of your viewers, and after one minute, 45% will stop watching altogether. Generally, adults have a span of attention of about eight seconds, research shows. Well, as you know, videos are a great way to grab your audience’s attention – and keep it. Why is it such a selling point to be able to embed a YouTube video in Google Slides? Videos Capture Attention But what gives it an edge in our book is that it allows you to include video in your presentation. Google Slides is a great alternative (for starters, it’s free!). If you’ve only ever used – or heard of – Microsoft PowerPoint, we’d like to introduce you to Google Slides. YOU have to stand up in front of the room and deliver an engaging presentation and the thought of boring your audience to tears has you more terrified than anything else. By the end of the presentation, you’re not even sure what it was about. We’ve all been there – stuck in a boardroom sitting through a slideshow presentation that feels so long that you completely zone out. Not only is it super simple, but your audience will thank you for it. Wondering how to present in a way that’s interesting, informative, and engaging? No problem! We’ll walk you through a simple process for how to embed a YouTube video in Google slides so you can be prepared to present a slideshow that’s anything but boring.

Google how do you make youtube videos